Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 5th Scores

The last shoot of the year brought out a good number of shooters, although the demands on people's time over the Labor Day holiday undoubtedly held those numbers down.

Here's the final tally as turned in at the end of the day. If your score isn't posted its because we didn't get a card. As usual there were a number of cards missing the class, last name, or having an untotaled score. But that's never a problem as long as we can read the part of the name.

We appreciate everyone who shot with us this year and look forward to seeing you next year. For those who would like to become more involved in the club's activities please feel free to contact an officer or board member.

Steve Newkirk 299
Mark Peach 294
Steve Litherland 292 (winner on tie breaker 11's)
Steve Spivey 292
Jeremy Sullivan 285 (winner on tie breaker 11's)
Brock Ridgley 285
Mark Utt 284
Doug Hathaway 281 (winner on tie breaker 11's)
Earl Lawrence 281
Mike Memmer 271
Scott Howard 267
Rick Gam (Spelling?) 244 (winner on tie breaker 11's)
Jim Durnil 244
Andy Miller 221
Misty Nussmeyer 202

Brad Hoke 241
Jim Adams 207
John Davis 201
Tony Williams 200
Tim Bertram 199
Ronnie Hallengton 188
Scott Minter 168
Curtis Cardinal 177
Dave Burdette 288
Brandon Keener 264
Mike Cardinal 244
Bud Clark 231

Mike Traylor 262
Chuck Roche 230

Ruthanne Nuckels 207
Bruce Nuckels 185
Jesse ??? 179
Rhett Cardinal 165

Friday, September 3, 2010

SOY Standings

Here are the standings by class through the August shoot. If there are any errors please let me know.

Men Hunter
Steve Litherland-1177
Mark Utt-1130
Scott Howard-1096
Matt Cessna-917
Alan Clark-543
Steve Newkirk-297
Caleb Brown-282
Brett Beard-279

Men Open
Jeremy Sullivan-1062
JR Fox-527

Tom Tarter-854
Chuck Roche-708
John Thompson-503

Brad Hoke-1030

Neysa Clark

Final Shoot for Shooter of the Year

Sunday, September 5th, will be the final opportunity to add to your Shooter of the Year scores.